Accounting for Restaurants

Accounting for Restaurant, Cafe, and food industry is different as it includes many different challenges for accountants some of which are as below.

01 Tracking of Money

02 Tracking of Inventory

01 Tracking of Money

Tracking money for restaurants and cafes is a different and difficult task. The restaurant is mostly cash business and customers may and may not be repeating one. This problem may lead to business owners in confusion. Sometimes the business owner thinks that they are making enough money however they are not. This feature if the business requires extra control and tracking. The business can use the Point of Sales (POS) System for tracking each and everyday revenue. Most franchise chains like KFC and McDonalds using this system for the same. 

02 Tracking of Inventory

Tracking of inventory is also one challenging part for the accountant. The restaurant uses the N number of materials in providing the service to its customers. Moreover, the consumption rate of material can also not define. Tracking of each material not possible as well as it is not viable. Thus we follow the concept of Materiality for inventory.  The tracking of materials that are important for the business owners which consumes most time and money will be tracked. Other material can be allocated as an expense as when its purchase.

Why you Need True Account Masters

We are an accounting company that specializes in taking care of restaurant owners. We understand that running a restaurant is no monkey business. Our accountant has knowledge and expertise in industries.

For more detail and support please contact us.